What is PTSD?

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is when you witness or go through a traumatic experience or event, such as combat exposure, terrorist attack, natural disasters, child abuse, or sexual assaults.

Source: www.

PTSD in California


There was a large number of Middle-Eastern refugees who moved to California to escape from the Iran and Iraq war. For example, there was a woman who was diagnosed with PTSD with memories from the war. She remembers the many deaths and witness people being killed during the war. She became depressed. Overall, the Middle-Eastern refugees would carry memories from the war with them.


Another group of people diagnosed with PTSD are disaster victims. During the 2003 California Firestorm, the firestorm destroyed a large portion of Southern California. 100,000 people were evacuated and one-third had depression and one-fourth were diagnosed/screened positive for PTSD.


Who is at risk?
Military personnel, rape/abused victims, disaster victims are at risk of developing PTSD.


                                             Source: www.

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